UberPOOL Gets Heavy Discounts in NCR Area for Festive Season

UberPOOL Gets Heavy Discounts in NCR Area for Festive Season Date: 25/09/2017
Uber is making it more affordable for residents of NCR area to roam around places ahead of Diwali,as the company looks at cashing in on one of Indias most celebrated festivals.For people looking to travel within either of the respected areas Gurugram, Delhi, Noida and Ghaziabad Uber is offering up to 50 percent discount on its carpooling service UberPOOL in the country,it said.The UberPOOL offer will last till Saturday, September 30 and it is only available between 7am and 11pm,the ride hailing company said,adding that customers won not have to apply any promo codes as the discounts will be automatically enabled on the rides.Elaborating on the plan,the company said capped fares of Rs.59 for up to 9km and Rs.99 for up to 19km will be applicable in Gurugram,Delhi,and Noida and Ghaziabad.If your drop off location is different from the destination entered on the app then the lower fares will not be applicable and you will have to pay the actual fare,the company said.

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बुधवार को आयोजित जन चौपाल स्थगित, कल मुख्यमंत्री निवास पर होना था आयोजन

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