Two-Day Coronavirus Vaccine Dry Run Starts In Four States Today

Two-Day Coronavirus Vaccine Dry Run Starts In Four States Today Date: 28/12/2020
In Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Gujarat and Assam, a two-day dry run for the coronavirus vaccine programme begins today. Focusing on the management of possible adverse events following immunisation and dry runs, including cold storage controls and transport arrangements, will be part of the programme to be carried out in each state's selected districts.
All four states shall inform the centre reported during the programme of their findings. In the first point, the government plans to protect 30 crore individuals as it rolls out a coronavirus vaccine.
So far, a total of 2,360 training sessions have been conducted, and 7,000 officials, including medical officers and vaccinators, have been trained.
Health Commissioner Katamaneni Bhaskar told reporters on Sunday that in Andhra Pradesh, the dry run that will take place in Krishna district is aimed at evaluating the scheduled operations and the laid-out structures in the state.
"It will provide insights into any gaps or bottlenecks so that those could be addressed before the commencement of the actual drive," he was quoted as saying by PTI news agency.
Five sessions will be conducted at specified sites throughout the four states, with 25 pre-identified recipients of the test - health staff - for each session.
It would evaluate the viability of Co-WIN, an electronic application that recognises recipients, and the prerequisites for the implementation of vaccinations in compliance with the organisational guidelines.
Panels will be developed for AEFI (Adverse Event Following Immunisation) and care centres will also be reported if the vaccine allows either of the beneficiaries to suffer an adverse reaction.
"After the dry run, we will prepare a report for the State Task Force, which will review the feedback and guide us on further actions," Mr. Bhaskar said. The report will also be forwarded to the Health Ministry of the Union, said the Commissioner.
The health department will roll out the dry run in two districts in Assam - Sonitpur and Nalbari districts The end-to-end testing of the vaccination process for Covid-19 requires, according to officials, vaccine and logistics mobilisation to the sites in the two districts.
Bharat Biotech, the Serum Institute of India (SII) and Pfizer submitted to the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) earlier this month to request emergency use authorization for their COVID-19 vaccines.
So far, India has reported over 1.01 cases of crore coronavirus, the second highest after the United States in the world. Since contracting the virus, over 1.47 lakh people died, one of the most infected people in the world has seen in decades.


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