They threatened to kill my parents How a Blue Whale victim got ensnared and rescued
Date: 21/10/2017
I was really afraid that if I did not commit suicide they would kill my parents,says class 10 student Ramesh (not his real name), days after he was rescued from the clutches of the virtually threatening Blue Whale Challenge.They had also warned me not to tell anyone that I was playing the game, so in desperation I wrote about my predicament in the Sanskrit paper answer sheet last Wednesday, hoping someone would notice,he revealed.Luckily for him, his Sanskrit teacher Hemlata Sharma noticed the message and informed the headmaster of the school, Utkarsh Vidyalaya, and other officials who promptly counselled him to stop playing the game and assured him that nothing would happen to his parents, and it was an idle threat.The Blue Whale Challenge, reportedly created by a former convict in Russia, is said to provoke players to indulge in daring, self destructive tasks, which must be filmed and shared as proof, for 50 days before finally taking the winning step of killing themselves. Players also carve a whale like figure on their arms.
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