Which countries have promised free COVID-19 vaccine? Know here!

 Which countries have promised free COVID-19 vaccine? Know here! Date: 05/12/2020
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday gave an idea for coronavirus vaccine distribution in India during an all-party meet. He said that early eight vaccines are at different stages of trial with their manufacturing assured in India and once the scientists provides a green signal it'll be released during a few weeks. Speaking about the value of the vaccine he said that it'll be determined after discussion with different states. After his announcement involves a free covid vaccine possesses stronger.
In October Union Minister Pratap Sarangi had said that the coronavirus vaccine are going to be given freed from cost to the general public after the BJP announced a free Covid-19 vaccine for Bihar as a part of their election manifesto in Bihar. But thus far there's no clarity from the govt on whether the vaccine are going to be given freed from cost.
Here are the countries that have promised free vaccine 
Japan: The country will give free coronavirus vaccines to all or any of its residents. The country recently passed a bill that says that the govt will cover the value of the vaccine. The country has secured does of Pfizer and Moderna thus far . it's also confirmed it'll receive 120 million doses of AstraZeneca's vaccine.
Norway: the ecu nation also will provide the Covid-19 vaccine for free of charge once it becomes available. “We want as many of us as possible to urge the offer of receiving a secure and effective vaccine. this is often why vaccination are going to be freed from charge,” Prime Minister Erna Solberg said during a statement during a Reuters report
America: President-elect Joe Biden has said that he will make sure that the vaccine is out there for free of charge within the country. Biden has also said that he willing to urge vaccinated publicly to point out the vaccine's safety. Even in October Biden had said that "Once we've a secure and effective vaccine, it's to be liberal to everyone, whether or not you're insured.”
France: The French Prime Minister Jean Castex on Thursday announced that the vaccine are going to be given for free of charge . He had said that the govt had kept 1.5 billion euros of next year's Social Security budget to hide the value of the vaccination programme.
Finland: Covid-19 inoculation are going to be free in Finland and it'll begin in early 2021. The country's health ministry said that the vaccine are going to be offered by priority: medical personnel, patients of hospitals and nursing homes, people of older age groups. 'Finland’s goal is to guard the whole population with a licensed vaccine. Vaccines are offered freed from charge to everyone who wishes,' said the Health ministry.
Pakistan: The Pakistani government has also announced that it'll provide the vaccine freed from cost to the general public . Parliamentary Secretary on Health Nausheen Hamid said the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf government has approved funds to get the vaccine doses. "The PTI government will provide the coronavirus vaccines freed from cost to the people. the govt will start the vaccination from the second quarter of 2021," Hamid tweeted.

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