J&K: 39 Terrorists, Including Naveed Jatt, Killed in November; no New Recruitment Reported in 2 Months

J&K: 39 Terrorists, Including Naveed Jatt, Killed in November; no New Recruitment Reported in 2 Months Date: 30/11/2018
Thirty-nine terrorists, including top Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Naveed Jatt, who was accused of assassinating Rising Kashmir editor Shujaat Bukhari, have been killed by the security forces in Jammu and Kashmir in November this year, a report claimed. This is the maximum number of terrorists killed in any month in the last two years.
Meanwhile, DGP Dilbag Singh, while addressing the media after security forces neutralised Jatt in Budgam encounter two days back, informed that in past one week, nearly two dozen terrorists have been killed by the forces.
Further, in the wake of the achievement, he expected to witness a major decrease in the terror activities in south Kashmir, claiming that the militants are not getting new recruits for two months. However, he added that at least 200-250 terrorists are still active in the region.
With the killing of Jatt, three top commanders – Ansar Gazwat-ul-Hind chief Zakir Musa, Hizbul Mujahideen chief Riyaz Naikoo, and Al Badr commander Zeenat-ul-Islam – are left in the Valley.
Earlier in July, Union Minister Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, while replying to a written question in Rajya Sabha, informed that 100 militants and 43 security personnel were killed in Jammu and Kashmir in the first six months of this year. The minister of state for home, also said 16 civilians were also killed during this period, which saw 256 incidents of violence.
In 2017, 342 incidents of violence were reported in the state, in which 213 terrorists were gunned down. A total of 80 security personnel and 40 civilians were killed last year. On the other hand, as many as 82 security personnel, 15 civilians and 150 terrorists were killed in the state in 2016.

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