India records 30,006 new Covid-19 cases in 24 hours, total tally crosses 9.8 million

India records 30,006 new Covid-19 cases in 24 hours, total tally crosses 9.8 million Date: 12/12/2020

In the last 24 hours, India reported 30,006 fresh Covid-19 infections, recording a 2 percent rise from the fresh infection tally on Friday. The overall tally reached 98,26,775, with 33,494 reactions and 442 fatalities recorded at the same time. The number of active cases further fell to 3,59,819 on Saturday. According to the Union health ministry's dashboard, the number of cumulative recoveries hit 93,24,328. The number of fresh cases was 29,398 on Friday.

On August 7, India's Covid-19 count had passed the two million mark, on August 23, three million and on September 5, four million. There were five million on the 16th of September, six million on the 28th of September, seven million on the 11th of October, eight million on the 29th of October, and nine on the 20th of November.
According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, a combined number of 15,26,97,399 samples have been screened up to December 11 with 10,65,176 samples being tested on Friday.
India announced on Friday the landmark achievement of taking the active caseload after 146 days to 3.63 lakh.
Kerala has been registering the highest number of new infections for the past few days, while the Delhi condition has improved. On Thursday, more cases were registered in West Bengal (2,801), Uttar Pradesh (1,662) and Rajasthan (1,592) than in Delhi (1,575). Delhi saw an increase of 1,000 cases on Friday, however as it reported 2,385 fresh Covid-19 infections.
In view of the steady increase in cases, for two weeks, Kerala decided not to allow devotees inside the Guruvayur temple in Thissur, as the area was declared a containment zone. As many as 22 Devaswom workers reported positive for the infection on Friday,


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