Family of 8 including children attempt suicide in Tamil Nadus Madurai, 6 dead
Date: 21/10/2017
Six members of a Madurai business family allegedly battling a financial crisis committed suicide on Sunday while two members were battling for life in a hospital.Kurunji Kumaran and his brother Velumurugans families shared a house at Yagappa Nagar in the temple town of Madurai in central Tamil Nadu and were running an elementary school in Anna Nagar,police said.They also dabbled in real estate. Police found a suicide note in the house but did not share the contents.Neighbours suspect the family was struggling to pay debts incurred in running the school. The real estate business, too, was not doing well, they said.A relative of the family, also a neighbour, got worried when he did not see the Kumarans all of Sunday. Ravichandran went to the house in the evening. When no one answered the door, he called some neighbours and they forced open it.They found the brothers, their mother Jagajothi, Kurunjis daughter Tharani and Velumurugans daughter Jayasakhti dead.Velumurugans wife Devi died at the hospital while Kurunjis wife Thangaselvi and daughter Jayamonika were in a critical condition, Ravichandran said.Ambulance took too long to come and they rushed Jayamonika to the hospital in a two-wheeler and Devi in an auto, he said.We stopped a private mini bus to take Thangaselvi to the hospital Ravichandran said.
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