Covid vaccine: PM asks CMs to prep cold storage facilities, set up task force at district or block level

Covid vaccine: PM asks CMs to prep cold storage facilities, set up task force at district or block level Date: 24/11/2020

After two months, on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a virtual conference to discuss the status and preparedness of COVID-19 response and management with the Chief Ministers of all States and Union Territories, with a particular emphasis on eight High Focus States. Haryana, Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Gujarat and West Bengal were among those states.

At the conference, the Covid-19 vaccine delivery, dissemination and administration modalities were also discussed.
During the review meeting, PM Modi urged CMs to share their input on the COVID-19 strategy in writing, saying no one can enforce any view and everybody has to work together.
As for the production and delivery plans for the coronavirus vaccine, Modi said, "Vaccine distribution strategy will be chalked out in collective coordination with states. States must also start working cold storage facilities."
"It's yet not decided which vaccine will cost how much. Though two India-based vaccines are at the forefront, we're working with global firms also. Even after drugs being available for years, some people have adverse reactions. So a decision needs to be taken on scientific basis," PM Modi highlighted. 
He reaffirmed, however that the government is closely tracking the production of vaccines and is in touch with developers and manufacturers in India, as well as global authorities, governments of other nations, multilateral organisations and multinational firms. He added that for us, safety is just as critical as pace, whatever vaccine India provides its people with will be secure under all science standards.
He added that it would be assured that all the requisite scientific requirements will be fulfilled by a vaccine for people. He emphasised that just as the emphasis in the battle against COVID has been on protecting and and every life, ensuring that the vaccine reaches all would be the target. To ensure that the vaccination drive is smooth, comprehensive and sustained, governments at all levels will have to work closely.
Modi also called upon the Chief Ministers to ensure that the State Level Steering Committee and the State and District Level Task Force are routinely tracked to ensure improved results.
Prime Minister forewarned that many theories and misinformation are circulated about vaccination from previous experience tells us. Rumours concerning the vaccine's side effects may be shared. He stressed that such efforts need to be resolved by spreading greater recognition through the use of all available assistance, including civil society, NCC & NSS students and the media.
Modi also said It is not certain whether there will be one, two or three doses of a vaccine. It is also not decided what will be the price of the vaccine. We still don't have answers to these questions."
Modi also said that the nation wanted to reduce the positivity rate to 5 percent and the fatality rate to below 1 percent regarding the pandemic situation. Modi noted that improving RT-PCR tests is necessary, ensuring better surveillance of patients especially those in home isolation, better equipping health centres at the level of the village and society, and continuing to run awareness campaigns for virus protection.
Modi also spoke about the growth of the research and treatment network and noted that the PM CARES fund has put particular focus on keeping oxygen available. He said that efforts are underway to make oxygen generation self-sufficient for medical colleges and district hospitals and told that the process for the development of more than 160 new oxygen plants is under way.

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