Bihar Assembly Election 2020: No more cavalcades, campaigners of political parties travelling by helicopters to address election rallies

Bihar Assembly Election 2020: No more cavalcades, campaigners of political parties travelling by helicopters  to address election rallies Date: 04/11/2020
Patna: We’ve come an extended way since the time politicians would spend pre-election days on the road, travelling from one constituency to the opposite in cavalcades. Their means of transportation now's much quicker.
Helicopters allow election candidates to hide tons more ground during a much shorter time, so it’s no surprise that politicians of all stripes now use the aircraft on the campaign trail.
Whether it’s RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav addressing quite a dozen rallies a day or the star campaigners of the BJP, these helicopters allow our seasoned politicians to bounce from one constituency to a different .
RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav, LJP’s Chirag Paswan, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi all have their own rides, for election campaigning, covering kilometres of ground that just wouldn’t be possible on the road.
There was a time when the sight of a politician’s chopper would make the locals say ‘chidiya mein ja raha hai’. Now, it’s just a part of the routine.
Assembly elections in Bihar are scheduled to be held between 28 October and seven November in three phases.

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