Air scare Birds, wild animals hit two planes every day in India
Date: 21/10/2017
At least two planes are struck every day in India by airborne birds or animals on runways, accidents that pose a serious risk to human lives and the aviation industry.According to latest data obtained through the RTI law from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), more than 4,000 aircraft suffered wildlife strikes hit by birds or animals in about 80 airports over the past five years.Such collisions increased substantially from 607 in 2012 to 839 in 2016.The airports in New Delhi and Mumbai, the busiest in the country, report the maximum number of bird hits. Data show the Capital registered 135 cases in 2016, followed by Mumbais 72.The growing incidence of bird strikes is the result of abundant availability of food in and around airports, which are buffeted by open grassland, ponds and human habitations that generate tonnes ofleftoverfoodstuff.Thiruvananthapuram airport reported 28 cases of bird hits in six months because there are meat shops close to the airport. Considering the low plane traffic, the number is quite significant,an Airports Authority of India (AAI) official said.
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