41,000 deaths in 27 years The anatomy of Kashmir militancy in numbers
Date: 21/10/2017
Militancy in Jammu and Kashmir has claimed a total of 41,000 lives in the past 27 years which means an average of 4 deaths per day in the state or 1519 casualties every year, according to the latest available government data.The casualties include 14,000 civilians, 5,000 security personnel and 22,000 militants between 1990 and March 2017. In all, there have been 69,820 militancy related incidents during the period.that is like the state witnessing 2586 militancy incidents every year, for which India blames cross border terror from Pakistan.Addressing the UN general assembly on Saturday, external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj called Pakistan a preeminent exporter of terror. Last week, Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi in his address had accused India of supporting terrorism and human rights violations in Kashmir. Swaraj had hit back, saying while India was giving the world top-notch doctors and engineers Pakistan was producing terrorists.Militancy in Kashmir has constantly derailed ties between India and Pakistan. HT looked at the latest available government data to anyalse the deaths and patterns of violence in Kashmir in the past 27 years.
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