Al Franken Quits US Senate After Sexual Misconduct Claims

Al Franken Quits US Senate After Sexual Misconduct Claims Date: 07/12/2017
US Senator Al Franken said Thursday he will resign in the face of multiple accusations of sexual misconduct, becoming the second prominent Democrat forced out in a week over the snowballing harassment allegations convulsing the country. But in an emotional and defiant address from the Senate floor, the comedian-turned-lawmaker also delivered a parting shot at President Donald Trump and Republican politician Roy Moore, who is running for the Senate despite being accused of molesting teenagers. Facing a groundswell of demands to resign from within his own party ranks, Franken acknowledged his position had become untenable, but also insisted he remained a champion of women and that some of the accusations against him are simply not true. There is been a very different picture of me painted over the last few weeks, said the 66-year-old Minnesota lawmaker. But I know who I really am. I know in my heart that nothing I have done as a senator nothing has brought dishonor on this institution. Nevertheless, today I am announcing that in the coming weeks, I will be resigning as a member of the United States Senate.

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बुधवार को आयोजित जन चौपाल स्थगित, कल मुख्यमंत्री निवास पर होना था आयोजन

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