Two days after Apple executive Vivek Tiwari was shot dead by a Uttar Pradesh policemen in Lucknow for allegedly trying to evade a routine check, his wife, Kalpana along with her two daughters met Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath at his residence and said that she had faith in the state government and the chief minister had accepted all her demands.
Later the govt announced Rs. 25 lakh for the family and Rs. 5 lakh for Mr. Tiwari's children's education and another Rs. 5 lakh was given for his elderly mother.
CM Adityanath also promised strict action against the guilty with a special probe. He also agreed to increase compensation for the family after Kalpana told him that Tiwari was the sole bread earner for everyone in the family.
“The Chief Minister has promised strict action against guilty of this heinous incident, while a Special Investigating Team has begun its probe. Moreover, instructions have been given to provide Rs 25 lakh assistance to his wife, Rs 5 lakh fixed deposits for his daughters and a job in the municipal corporation for his wife,” said a government spokesperson.
"I said before that I had faith in the state government and that faith has been strengthened today. I have lost the capacity to take a stand. I have got a motivation after meeting the CM that I will be able to carry out the responsibilities my husband has left on me," Kalpana Tiwari said after meeting Yogi in Lucknow.
UP minister Brijesh Pathak also hit out at the state police for showing "laxity" and "hushing up" the murder of Vivek Tiwari.
"The killers deserve to be in jail and they must get stringent punishment. Action should also be initiated against officials who showed laxity in this case and tried to hush up the murder," Pathak told PTI.
"I will also request the honorable court to hand over the entire matter to a fast-track court so that the aggrieved family can get justice soon. I have also sought time from Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath so that the aggrieved family can meet him," he said.
"The death of Vivek Tiwari has shocked us. Even the police could do such a heinous act, I did not expect," he said.
Pathak also spoke about the various other things reported in the case.
"The lone eyewitness was kept in police custody for nearly 17 hours and her signature was taken on a plain piece of paper. The FIR was not registered in the way it should have been. There is no consistency between the statement of Sana (who was accompanying the victim) and the FIR. And efforts were made to hush up the case," he said.