Delhi Police arrested a 55-year-old woman after she was asked by screening staff of Delhi International Airport Limited to remove a power bank from her check-in luggage. The woman then threw the power bank on the floor, which caused a small blast.
“We have arrested the woman, Malvika Tiwari, a resident of Defence Colony, after registering an FIR under IPC sections 336 (endangering life or personal safety of others) and 285 (negligent conduct with respect to fire or combustible matter). She was later released on bail,” DCP (Airport) Sanjay Bhatia said.
Investigation revealed she was sitting at Terminal 1 and was waiting to board a flight to Dharamshala when she was called back by the airlines. “She was asked to remove her power bank but she got agitated and threw the device at the wall. It burst on impact, leading to panic,” a senior officer said.
Immediately personnel from CISF rushed towards the screening room of level 1 and they detained the woman. “She was taken to the police station and arrested. Police have recorded the statement of a CISF sub-inspector as part of the probe,” an officer said, the woman was right away apologetic.
She was arrested on Tuesday from the airport and later released on bail. Sources claimed she is an actress but police officials were not sure about her background.