CPM leader Sitaram Yechury on Tuesday alleged that "hand-picked" Special CBI Director Rakesh Asthana by PM Modi was "caught red-handed" and the probe agency registered a graft case against one of its own. "The official patronised by the BJP and handpicked by Modi, was pushed into our premier investigation agency despite opposition to his entry only to subvert ongoing investigations and stop all cases against BJP leaders. He has now been caught red-handed," the General Secretary of Communist Party of India-Marxist tweeted.
"Who patronised this official (Asthana) in his career? Who handpicked him for CBI despite strong opposition by the Director? If this official is now caught "fabricating" documents and taking bribes, should his political patrons in BJP not be asked tough questions too? What is their role," Mr Yechury questioned.
After the NDA came to power Mr Asthana was brought to the Central Bureau of Investigation or CBI in 2016 and was tipped to head the agency.
He had supervised the probe into the 2002 Godhra tragedy as Inspector General of Police, Vadodara range and belongs to the Gujarat cadre.
Alok Verma was made to take the top post after Mr Asthana's elevation had evoked resistance from the opposition.
He further added that a number of "compromised officials with dubious records" have been included into top agencies under the Modi government.
"That is not just due to poor governance. But it is due to mala fide intention to target political opposition and save their own under investigation," he said.
"That the CBI is particularly under the spotlight should not surprise us. After all, it was the agency investigating the Bharatiya Janata Party President (Amit Shah) for a very serious charge. No prizes for guessing how and why his name was 'cleared' under a dark cloud," he added.
The Left leader also blamed BJP for "damaging and destroying" the country's institutions, was said this is uncompromisable.
"This is needed to further the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's unconstitutional agenda. Their nefarious designs have to be, and will be defeated," he said.
On October 15 the CBI registered a complaint against Mr Asthana along with several others who were allegedly accepting bribes to settle a case involving meat exporter Moin Qureshi, who is currently facing multiple cases of money laundering and corruption.