Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh who is serving his jail term for two rape cases was Friday granted bail in a case of allegedly castration 400 of his followers. However, he would remain in jail as he is serving sentence for raping two of his women followers, due to which he was convicted by a Panchkula court in August last year.
This August, Rahim's bail plea in castration case was rejected by Panchkula court, later he had moved an application before a special CBI judge, who accepted his plea on 5th Oct 2018.
He was also booked along with two other doctors, Pankaj Garg, and MP Singh, involved in crime under various sections of the Indian Penal Code.
The Panchkula CBI court earlier had framed charges including those pertaining to hurting people using weapons or means, cheating and criminal intimidation against Ram Rahim Singh.
The probe was handed over to the CBI by the Punjab and Haryana High Court on the plea of a Dera follower.