Early pictures and update from actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s wedding in Lake Como, Italy have started to emerge on the internet. The Press shared a new video which shows the two as newlyweds during their wedding ceremony according to Konkani rituals.
A few clips of the video showed Ranveer and Deepika during the wedding. She is seen wearing a gajra in her hair and Ranveer is seen in a traditional white outfit. Other celebrities and guests were seen arriving in sarees and other traditional outfits to Villa del Balbianello and walk towards the villa’s patio where the wedding took place. Another video shows Deepika in a red saree as she leaves the wedding venue covered in dark umbrellas.
Their wedding was a highly secretive ceremony where the guests were prohibited to click or share pictures. High security measures were taken care of including drone interceptors in the sky and guests were made to wear special wrist bands and scan unique QR codes on their phones to gain entry. Small powerboats manned by security guards sailed around the boats with journalists on-board.
The main dock of the villa, as well as the patio itself, was washed hundreds of white roses as the sun shone bright during the wedding.
Ranveer and Deepika had announced their wedding on October 21 after dating each other for nearly six years. The Bollywood’s Bajirao and Mastani were said to be dating since Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ramleela which was released in 2013.