The Grandmother of the Actors Ranbir Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor and Karisma Kapoor’s and the wife of late actor Raj Kapoor’s Krishna Raj Kapoor who was the senior most member of the family died on Monday, September 1 at age of 87 due to a cardiac arrest at about 5 am in the morning. The whole Kapoor family is deeply saddened by her demise.
Krishna Raj Kapoor was the mother of three sons Rishi Kapoor, Randhir Kapoor, Rajiv Kapoor, and two daughters, Rima Jain and Ritu Nanda. Ever since the news came out, entire Bollywood celebrities have been sending their later. Neethu Kapoor’s daughter and Krishna Raj Kapoor’s granddaughter Riddhima Kapoor Instagrammed a post with a picture saying how much she loves her grandma.