The long wait was over when Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh finally released pictures from their two-day wedding in Italy. One photo each from the couple's two ceremonies, were posted on Deepika and Ranveer's Instagram accounts at exactly the same time on Thursday evening. There was no caption - it was a simple heart emoticon and it did the job. The posts unsurprisingly went viral, with huge number of likes and comments. An early comment on Ranveer Singh's post was shared by Hrithik Roshan who wrote: "Huge congratulations." The bride and groom wore Sabyasachi, who also posted the wedding pictures on his Instagram.
The wishes started pouring in from Bollywood and Karan Johar taking the lead, who was the first celebrity to congratulate Deepika and Ranveer, sent out best wishes to the couple on Twitter. Followed by, Anushka Sharma, who was Ranveer's co-star in his Bollywood debut Band Baaja Baaraat, welcomed the couple to the "club". Arjun Kapoor, also congratulated the newly-weds who co-starred with Ranveer in Gunday. Wishes also poured in from many celebs like Priyanka Chopra, Alia Bhatt, Parineeti Chopra and others.
First, Deepika and Ranveer married in a traditional South Indian ceremony as per Konkani rituals, reports news agency ANI - after which the pictures and some footage of the wedding went viral. All Bollywood celebrities posted congratulatory messages on Twitter. A second wedding which is as per Sindhi rituals was held Thursday.
After the wedding festivities in Italy, the newly-weds is said to return to India on November 18 and will make their first public appearance on the night of their reception in Bengaluru on November 21. Deepika and Ranveer will also host another reception for their celebrity friends on November 28 in Mumbai.