The heat of the competition in the telecom sector continuous as Airtel has launched its six new prepaid recharge packs to take on the might of Reliance Jio and Vodafone Ideas. The new prepaid plans had values of Rs. 25, Rs. 35, Rs. 65, Rs. 95, Rs. 145 and Rs. 245. They offer talk time, data, and rate cutter benefits. Airtel's combo packs start with 28 days validity. All Telcos are updating and introducing new prepaid plans to compete with Jio, which has already tanked up 11.796 million subscribers since July this year, which is ten times more than rival companies.
The starting Rs 25 plan has 28 days validity with 10MB 3G / 4G data and a talk time of 18.69. The next plan at Rs 35 offers talk time of Rs 26.6 and a validity of 28 days with 100MB data. The Rs. 65 Smart Recharge offers a talk time of Rs. 65, 200MB data, and voice call at a discounted price of 60 paise per minute, for a validity of 28 days. The Rs. 95 Smart Recharge offers Rs. 95 talk time, 500MB data, and voice call at a discounted price of 30 paise per minute for a validity of 28 days.
The Airtel Rs. 145 Smart Recharge offers full talk time, 1GB data, and voice calls at a discounted price of 30 paise per minute for a validity of 28 days. Lastly, the Rs. 245 Airtel recharge offers full talk time of Rs. 245, 2GB data, and voice call at a discounted price of 30 paise per minute for a validity of 84 days.
Similar plans were announced by Vodafone idea earlier this week which was also ranging between Rs. 25 to Rs. 245.
According to reports, the new plans were launched in Chennai as of now. But soon might be launched in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Delhi circle.