A high drama unfolded at the Sabarimala Temple on Friday where 2 women, a journalist and an activist were blocked from entering the temple and were forced to return from within 500 metres of the Sabarimala temple. The chief priest threatened to shut it down if they entered the shrine dedicated to Lord Ayyappa.
Due to protests prayer services in the temple were disrupted and boycotted rituals for the first time.
“It is a most painful day. I told everyone if women enter the holy steps. I will close the temple and I will go back to my house. I am with devotees. I can’t be a part to a violation of temple rituals,” said the chief priest, Rajeevaru Kandarau.
After the threat of temple closure by the chief priest, police said the two women would be escorted back.
“We have told the female devotees about the situation, they will now be going back. So we are pulling pack. They have decided to return,” said inspector general of police S Sreejith
“I have been forced to go back,” said Rehana Fathima, one of the two women.
The situations started turning ugly between the police and devotees outside the temple, which fumed protests in Kochi and Calicut.
The two women – Kavitha Jakkal of Hyderabad based Mojo TV and Rehana Fatima an activist – was stopped a short distance away from the Sabarimala temple. The government had earlier insisted that it would take all the measures needed to ensure women are allowed into the temple to offer prayers as per the Supreme Court order.
“Police will not create any issue in Sabarimala and we don’t want a confrontation with your devotees. We are only following the law. I will be discussing with the higher authorities and brief them on the situation,”
Surendran pulled up the police for allowing Fathima to head for the temple which he said was a lapse.
“People of all ages will be allowed to go there. But at the same time, we won’t allow it to be a place where activists can come and showcase their power. It can’t be a place where they prove certain points of theirs,’’ Surendran said according to ANI.
The opposition said the government was playing with fire. “The government is giving enough fuel to the Sangh Parivar,” said opposition leader Ramesh Chennithala. “It is committed to protecting the interest of devotees.”
The BJP which is backing the devotees, seeking action against police officials who “enacted a drama hurting religious feelings of devotees which led to the disruption of temple rituals”.
Friday morning, Kavitha and Fathima started their journey at 6.50 am. Despite heavy rain, they started their journey from Pambha which is the base of the hilltop temple, under police protection.
“The highest court has given the green signal. My trip is to uphold women’s rights” she said.