Taliban Leader and Militants Killed in a Drone Attack
Date: 18/06/2018
"I confirm that Mullah Fazlullah, leader of the Pakistani Taliban, has been killed in a joint air operation with the US in the border area of Tarawera district of Kunar province," Mohammad Radmanish, spokesman for Afghan defense ministry, told Reuters news agency on Friday 15th June.
The Pentagon also confirmed that the U.S. forces had carried out a strike close to the Pakistan-Afghanistan border region, targeting the leader of a terror group.
The Pakistani army in a statement said that "Killing of TTP commander is a positive development,".
“U.S. Forces-Afghanistan and NATO-led Resolute Support forces continue to adhere to... Afghanistan’s unilateral ceasefire with the Afghan Taliban,” Mr. O’Donnell said. A ceasefire was announced by Afghan government last week which saw effects this week.
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani had announced a ceasefire until June 20 and suggested on Friday that it could be extended. The death of Fazlullah could open doors for the strained ties between Islamabad and Washington.
Mullah Fazlullah was operating from eastern Afghanistan forest area and was on Pakistan's most wanted list. Previously he was falsely reported killed many times.
TTP also acknowledged to a Turkey’s Anadolu that its leader had been killed. Fazlullah's son, Abdullah, was among 20 TTP armed fighters killed in a US drone attack, in March.
Fazlullah became the leader of TTP back in November 2013 after the death of Hakimullah Mehsud, who was killed in a US drone attack.
The strike will build trust between the US, Afghanistan, and Pakistan at a very critical moment in peace negotiations with the Afghan Taliban.
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