Maharashtra Govt tries to curb sowing of illegal Bt cotton, but probe team faces manpower crunch.
Date: 28/06/2018
Agriculture officers in Maharashtra are stressed over the sowing of unapproved variations of Bt cotton in the state amid the kharif season. They expect that 5 for per cent of the 40 lakh hectares (lh) of cotton real esatate in the state will be finished with Bt cotton seed of an unapproved Herbicide Tolerant (HT) transgenic quality. The deal, stockpiling and utilization of the HT transgenic quality is not permitted in India, as it has not been affirmed by the Union government Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC). Monsanto, the worldwide pioneer in hereditarily changed seeds, had presented the HT Bt cotton before the GEAC for endorsement. In April 2016, Mahyco, the organization in which Monsanto has a 26 percent share, pulled back its application for endorsement of the HT Bt transgenic quality from the GEAC. However, the seed has spread wildly on the ground level, as per horticulture officers. The officers said they wound up mindful of the issue when they discovered sachets of such seeds at the farmgate level. These seeds were not stuffed in the regular way and when scrutinized, the holders said the seeds were to be utilized for extraction of cotton seed oil.
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