Landslide on Amarnath Yatra: 5 Died, 3 Injured on Baltal Route
Date: 05/07/2018
An idyllic pilgrimage turned into a nightmare when five yards lost their lives and three were left injured. Amarnath Yatra is the desired destination for pilgrimage for numerous Hindus around the world. The shrine situated in Jammu and Kashmir is at the altitude of 3, 888 m, situated in Pahalgam, Anantnag. The snow-kissed mountain is picturesque during the winters and during the summer window period from May to August witness visit from thousands of devotees.
Every year, thousands throng to this treacherous terrain of the Mountain to pay obedience to Lord Shiva. The journey of 43 km is definitely for the faint-hearted. The Indian Government provides supervision and assistance to the pilgrims. The journey is hazardous and challenges pertaining to low oxygen level and cardiac arrest due to low acclimatization to high altitudes of the mountain. Apart from the devious climatic conditions, the Amarnath Yatra faces threats from militants groups as well. The CRPF and the state security force, therefore, provides security to the pilgrims and to the perimeters of the shrine.
This year Amarnath Yatra commenced on 28th June, has been faced with many challenges owing to heavy rainfall. The 60-day pilgrimage was to end on 26th August. On July 3, a landslide triggered by flash floods hit the Baltal route, taking the pilgrims by shock. Three men and one woman have lost their lives and the injured are admitted to the Baltal base hospital. Police and security personnel and the rescue teams have been deployed at the site. The medical teams are also on full alert for the assistance of the injured. Rains in the region are adding to the challenge for the rescue operations.
The unfortunate incident has been mourned by Union Minister Rajnath Singh and Omar Abdullah. The Centre is committed to the help the victims and provides assistance to the worried relatives.
Hoping that the yatra can conclude the rest of the pious journey of the devotees in a better way than the journey till now.
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