Establish Winter Joint Control Rooms: Div Com to DCs

Establish Winter Joint Control Rooms: Div Com to DCs Date: 21/09/2018
Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Baseer Ahmad Khan on Thursday directed all Deputy Commissioners (DCs) to establish winter control rooms in their respective districts including Gurez and Tangdhar for the preparedness and arrangements to be made for the cold months so that people do not face any kind of inconvenience.
The Divisional Commissioner Kashmir issued these directions while reviewing the stock of preparedness and arrangements to be made after the snowfall in winter season across Kashmir division including Leh and Kargil districts.
He directed the officials of MED and R&B departments to ensure all arrangements including the readiness of snow cutter machines for winter months. Beacon will also deploy snow clearance machines at critical locations and concerned Deputy Commissioners will verify it.
He directed the officials of SMC to keep men and machinery ready so that snow is cleared immediately after the snowfall besides keep ready the dewatering pumps for low lying and inundated areas.
District Administrations were asked to ensure that people do not face any inconvenience on account of essentials services like supply of electricity, water and availability of ration, Kerosene oil, LPG and medicines and establish joint winter control rooms in their DC offices where officers of all concerned departments sit to provide each and every information to the local population regarding preparedness and arrangements had made by District Administration for winter months.
Divisional Commissioner also directed all Deputy Commissioners to hold a meeting on October first in their respective districts to review preparedness and arrangements to be made after the snowfall in winter months and send the complete report to the Divisional Commissioner’s office for further course of necessary action.
The meeting was attended by Deputy Commissioner Shopian, Additional Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Director Disaster Management, Chief Engineers of R&B & PMGSY, Joint Commissioner SMC, Superintending Engineers of PDD, PHE, MED & ULB, Deputy Directors of Health, Assistant Director Fire & Emergency services, Project Manager NHAI, Engineers of BEACON, officers of SDRF, Representatives of RAMKY and other concerned officers were present in the meeting whereas all Deputy Commissioners participated in the meeting through video conferencing.

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