According to Media Survey, Has Abhishek Mahananda really made a rise in Cuttack Sadar seat?

According to Media Survey, Has Abhishek Mahananda really made a rise in Cuttack Sadar seat? Date: 15/04/2019
Congress candidate Abhishek Mahananda from Cuttack Sadar  Assembly constituency of Odisha is leading at the forefront of the public. According to a survey conducted by the NOW Reporter, Abhishek Mahananda is people's favourite choice from Cuttack Sadar. Abhishek, because of his youthful thinking is very popular among the youth in Orissa. Abhishek believes that proper development of the region is possible with the thinking and enthusiasm of the youth. When we go ahead with the thinking of the youth, then only the speed of development in the area will get faster.
It is very essential to give proper education, right direction and right employment to the youth of any area. When the youth of the country will move forward, then our country will accelerate towards development. Abhishek Mahananda has entered the electoral atmosphere for the first time, before that Abhishek Mahananda's mother also contested the assembly elections from the Congress party. Cuttack Sadar is Abhishek's maternal grandfather's family place, which increases the strength of Abhishek in Cuttack Sadar. 
Abhishek is counted among the young and educated politicians, who are recognized among the people for his clean image. The last two generations of Abhishek has been very popular and active in Odisha politics. Whether Abhishek's grandfather was Mr Achyutanand Mahananda or his grandson Dr Harekrishna Mallik, who was a Rajya Sabha MP.
Congress believed in him and fielded him from Cuttack Sadar because of his dynamic performance in the party. Many experts believed that the Congress party has played the right way by putting him as the face of the party which will surely help them to acquire the seat in Cuttack Sadar.
According to the media survey, Abhishek is identified as a leader with a clean image and most popular among the people of Cuttack Sadar. He will get the benefit of his clean image in the assembly elections. 

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