OpenAI Introduces SearchGPT Five Key Differences from Google

OpenAI Introduces SearchGPT Five Key Differences from Google Date: 06/08/2024

OpenAI has announced the introduction of SearchGPT, a new search engine integrated into its ChatGPT chatbot, currently being tested by 10,000 users. This move comes after months of speculation and marks a significant step in how search functionality may evolve.

Search Results

Unlike Google, SearchGPT provides a concise answer summary with links to information sources, aiming to save users time with direct responses. For example, a query about the best tomatoes to grow in Minnesota yields specific recommendations like Early Girl, Celebrity, Roma, and Cherokee Purple, along with relevant links. In contrast, Google offers an AI Overview and additional links, often requiring users to scroll for comprehensive answers.


One of the notable differences is that SearchGPT is unlikely to feature ads, at least initially. This is a stark contrast to Google's ad-driven model, which generated $237.8 billion in 2023. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has expressed a preference for ad-free responses, stating that the $20 per month subscription for ChatGPT Plus members ensures unbiased answers.


SearchGPT is designed to offer a more conversational search experience, retaining context to answer follow-up questions. For instance, asking about the best time to see nudibranchs in Half Moon Bay results in a detailed response, including tide times and related images. Follow-up queries about weather are understood within the same context. In comparison, Google’s search results often require rephrasing and can lose context between queries.


Both Google and SearchGPT have encountered issues with providing false or misleading information, known as hallucinations. Google's AI Overviews initially struggled with accuracy but have since improved. SearchGPT has also faced challenges, as highlighted by incorrect festival dates in promotional materials. OpenAI advises users to verify important information.

Local Search and E-commerce

Google has a well-established presence in local search and e-commerce, areas where SearchGPT is still developing. While ChatGPT can provide local recommendations when given a city or zip code, it is not yet as robust as Google’s extensive local business and shopping features.

OpenAI plans to integrate search directly into ChatGPT, creating a seamless experience for users. Until then, SearchGPT offers a preview of a more conversational and context-aware search engine that could change the way we search the web.

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