Is It Possible to Disable AI Overviews in Google Search Here is What We Know

Is It Possible to Disable AI Overviews in Google Search Here is What We Know Date: 20/05/2024

By now, you're probably familiar with Google Search's AI Overviews, the AI-generated summaries that appear at the top of search results when you ask a question. Initially, these summaries were only available to users who signed up for Search Labs, allowing them to participate in Google's latest AI experiments. However, as of May 14, AI Overviews have been rolled out to all users in the US. If you haven't seen them yet, it's only a matter of time.

While some users appreciate Google's effort to provide quick, organized information, others may prefer a more hands-on approach, where they can browse links to find exactly what they're looking for. The AI-generated summaries, powered by Google's Gemini generative AI model, aren't always accurate, leading some to seek ways to disable them.

So, can you turn off AI Overviews? The answer is more complicated than it seems.

What Are AI Overviews?

AI Overviews are concise, AI-generated answers to questions posed on Google Search. Starting May 14, these summaries appear at the top of search results when Google's systems determine they can provide useful information quickly. For example, a search for "What's the shortest war in history?" might generate a summary about the Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896, with links to the sources beneath the summary.

Who Has Access to AI Overviews?

Google began testing AI Overviews in 2023 with a select group of users in Search Labs. During the recent Google I/O conference, Google announced the expansion of AI Overviews to hundreds of millions of users in the US, with plans to reach over a billion users worldwide by the end of the year.

Is There a Way to Turn Off AI Overviews?

Currently, there is no straightforward way to disable AI Overviews through Google or Chrome settings. Attempts to turn off the feature in Search Labs have proven ineffective, as turning off the experiment does not disable AI Overviews in general search results.

Workarounds to Avoid AI Overviews

While there isn't a direct way to turn off AI Overviews, there are a few workarounds:

  1. Use the Web Tab: On both mobile and desktop, you can switch to the "Web" tab at the top of Google search results to see more traditional search results with links, bypassing the AI summary.
  2. Switch Browsers: Using web browsers other than Chrome, such as Safari or Firefox, may prevent AI Overviews from appearing in your search results.
  3. Chrome Extension: For desktop users, the "Hide Google AI Overviews" extension for Chrome can remove AI-generated summaries from search results.

Despite these workarounds, a permanent solution to disable AI Overviews remains elusive. Google continues to integrate AI into its search functionality, making these summaries a staple feature for the foreseeable future. For more updates on Google's latest developments, including the upcoming Android 15, stay tuned to our coverage of Google I/O.


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