At its Glowtime event, Apple introduced the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus, featuring significant upgrades over last year’s models, including the addition of a dedicated camera control button, an Action button, and a new A18 processor. These models also support Apple Intelligence, marking a leap forward in AI integration.
The iPhone 16’s camera system now includes vertically stacked sensors and an enhanced 48MP main camera for improved zoom and low-light performance. A new camera control button allows users to take photos, adjust zoom, and switch modes with ease, while the Action button offers customizable shortcuts for tasks like "Do Not Disturb" and app launches.
Both models maintain the same screen sizes—6.1 inches for the iPhone 16 and 6.7 inches for the Plus—but come in bold new colors, including pink, ultramarine, and teal. Preorders begin this Friday, with prices starting at $799 for the iPhone 16 and $899 for the iPhone 16 Plus.