Months of speculation culminated into the meeting, which could be termed as the meeting of the century. The unprecedented meeting between the US President Donald Trump and North Korean premier Kim Jong-un in Singapore has finally taken place. The unlikely duo a few months ago had less than flattering words and tweets for each other was a picture of grace and political cordiality.
The celebrated meet had the world on the edge as there were several doubts of the meeting being abandoned. But as the day commenced, the host nation, the participant nations, and the world did not disappoint. It has been hailed as the dawn of a new peaceful future, of peace and safety for all. The joint statement by the nations has pledged to work towards peace and promises to denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula in return the US promised to drop all war games which might threaten the North Koreans. The US also promised the nation security guarantees.
There is much ambiguity about the tiny nation which has been reluctant to work with any nation, but seems slowly opening up. The neighboring nations have been more than graceful to show that he is welcome. The world got to see the young leader in a new light when in May he met with the South Korea leader Moon Jae-in. The South Korean leader has been the hailed as the real catalyst for this historic meeting. The world might have a lot of scepticism regarding Kim Jung-un, but the South Korean leader has brought forth the necessity of dialogue and commitment to peace. In return, to display his commitment to the cause, Kim Jung-un had suspended all missile tests and also destroyed its main nuclear testing site prior to the meeting.
Singapore Capella Hotel in Sentosa Island was the center of the world media attention. The world watched as the two leaders smiled and shook hands and posed generously for the cameras. They held one-on-one meeting for an hour and had lunch meeting with their aides. The framework for the meeting and its comprehensive follow-up might take months or even years to bear fruit, nonetheless any tiny step towards nuclear disarmament is a big achievement. The onus is now on the leaders and their foreign policy makers to take comprehensive steps and measures and make th
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