Rajeev Kumar, the Kolkata Police Commissioner who is a 1989-batch IPS officer, for whom Didi aka CM of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee sat on a dharna. Mamata began her satyagraha after CBI officials arrived at Rajeev Kumar’s residence in connection with agency’s that was probed into the Saradha and Rose Valley Ponzi scams. But the team was had been stopped outside the residence by sentries and has been taken to a police station.
According to the sources, The Commissioner headed the Special Investigation Team (SIT) that was looking into both the scams, all before the same case was transferred to CBI in 2014 on the order of Supreme Court.
On Sunday 3, Kolkata was left in a state of unprecedented crisis, when 40 CBI officials turned up outside the house of the Commissioner Rajeev Kumar. Later when the drama in Kolkata started unfolding, the chief Nageshwar Roa said, there was strong evidence against Rajeev Kumar that he had been involved in causing the destruction of the evidence and obstructing justice. The IPS officer had got many notices from the agency and was needed to be questioned regarding the missing documents and files but he had not responded to any. Reports suggested that the agency was planning to arrest him.
This is when the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee got in and declared a Save the Constitution Satyagraha, in order to protest against what she intimated to be an attack from the BJP and she also defended the commissioner Rajeev Kumar, stating him the “best in the world”.