International Yoga Day 2018 Live Updates: PM Modi Performs Asanas With Volunteers In Dehradun

International Yoga Day 2018 Live Updates: PM Modi Performs Asanas With Volunteers In Dehradun Date: 21/06/2018
Yoga is known for its amazing health benefits. Over the years this concept has always been heard and tried by many individuals but not so popularized. It’s a great effort to emphasize the importance of inculcating this ancient Indian art in our lives. The ancient Yogis carries out this tradition to make the people aware about the benefits of Yoga. International Yoga Day is celebrated on the 21st of June each year. It was Prime Minister, Narendra Modi who gave the proposal to observe this day as International Yoga Day. Practicing yoga is one of the ways to grow into a better human being with a sharp mind, a good heart and a relaxed soul. The proposal was put forward in September 2014. It was supported by various yoga practitioners and spiritual leaders around the world. The United Nations declared 21st June as International Yoga Day in December 2014. The 1st International Yoga Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm around the globe but the site at Rajpath, Delhi was mind-boggling. Thousands of people gathered at this place to celebrate this day. Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with several renowned people from different parts of the world also formed a part of the event and practiced yoga asanas here. A plentiful of asanas are there to guide you to live a life to its fullest potential. It is a unification of body, mind, and soul. We must involve ourselves to devote some time daily to perform various asanas. Yoga became popular after Swami Ramdev taken the initiative to spread this soulful knowledge to the whole world by teaching them various asanas and making them disease free. After the Indian prime minister brought this unique gift given to us by our ancestors to the limelight, Yoga not only created a rage among old people but also among the youth. Well, it’s great that this method of ancient healing is now been exposed and continue making its impact on the people and as a citizen should cultivate some habits of regular exercise to lead a harmonious life.

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