After broader WTO deal failure, 70 members to work towards ecommerce rules
Date: 14/12/2017
A group of 70 World Trade Organization countries pledged on Wednesday to work toward new electronic commerce trade rules that promote open and predictable regulations, joining the initiative as a broader WTO agreement failed.The WTOs 164 members were unable to consolidate some 25 separate e-commerce proposals at the bodys biennial conference which ended Wednesday, including a call to set up a central ecommerce negotiating forum.The smaller group pledging to work toward new WTO ecommerce rules includes the European Union, Japan, Canada, Brazil, South Korea, Russia and other major and emerging economies, but notably excludes China, India, Indonesia and Vietnam.In a statement, the group pledged to hold an initial meeting in the first quarter of 2018.The statement highlighted the importance of global electronic commerce and the opportunities it creates for inclusive trade and development.We also recognize the important role of the WTO in promoting open, transparent, non-discriminatory and predictable regulatory environments in facilitating electronic commerce,the statement said.US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said in a statement that the digital economy was important for US and global growth, and the effort sought strong market-based rules in this area.
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