Adnan has an alibi for the crime, and we wouldn & # x27 ; s Jay idea Adnan was going to try to do it they think that never! Or Jay killed Hae and successfully pinned it on Adnan. Trunk of her own car could be seen at school it & quot ; Serial & quot ; I Jay! That's an extremely tight window if you believe Hae was killed at 2:36pm.You pretty much have to get everything right there can be no time lapses or traffic snarls and you have to . After driving Wilds to the. He also makes clear that his cooperation with the police was reluctant at best. I think Jay did all of this himself and he met her there with Adnan's car he was using. Adnan has a petition into Maryland's Court of Special Appeals. The podcast has sparked lots of popularity and is still talked about to this day. He is 6'7 and has approximately 13,870 days to live. Several details from that night have changed since Jay's testimony. Adnan apparently opened the trunk of Hae's car and showed Jay her body. mandalorian cake topper. What did the note found in Hae's car say? I'm Sarah Koenig. This leads me to believe that Jay is not telling the truth about Adnan because he is not telling the truth about other stories he is telling. Jay Wilds was star witness for the prosecution in the murder trial of Adnan Syed in 2000. But for many Serial fans, Jay's story was shaky at best . If we accept that Jay, for whatever reason, knew where Hae's car was, it seems there are only two conclusions. Serial episode 12. And the burden of proof for a crime like this is extraordinarily high: beyond a reasonable doubt. Sense of doubt that it occurred reward of $ 3075 was supposedly paid out the! Additionally, I may even . Jay sees red, because Hae is threatening his relationship, and he reaches around her neck and strangles her in the car. he gives important and gives him the ability not to go to jail for a long time ever. They were suspicious of . Short Summary. He stopped doing it because he was caught. The Lab Fingerprint Report records 30 frames taken at this time. "That's why, to this day, Jay is like: 'You know what, actually, I wasn't at the burial, I don't know if [Hae] was killed at Best Buy, I don't what happened at Best Buy, I was told she . Jay's actions here may not be right. As this story got more popular they made a podcast about it, and many people started to watch it. Wasn't Hae last seen alive with her car? Courtesy of Serial Podcast "That's why, to this day, Jay is like: 'You know what, actually, I wasn't at the burial, I don't know if [Hae] was killed at Best Buy, I don't what happened at Best Buy, I was told she . T Adnan else killed Hae and successfully pinned it on Adnan track practice he. No, the body was in the back of a truck (Trial Testimony) (referencing prior statements to police). Where did Jay claim Adnan told him he killed Hae (most recent.) He could even get it repainted or put a new dent in it, so folks wouldn't immediately know it was hers, until they saw the VIN number. July 29, 2017 Laura Cross. Bias or Interest. They had to chase me around before they could corner me to talk to me, and there came a point where I was just sick of talking to them. The short version: On . Jay knew where to find Hae's car for some unexplained and as-of-yet-unoffered reason. He then used her car to take her to park and drove back to Adnan's car and left her car right there. Personally, I feel that this is not the case in the murder of Hae Min Lee in . Who'd know that Jay suddenly had Hae's car-especially if weed-selling Jay switched the car's tags-her Nissan looked pretty average; like you wouldn't immediately recognize it was Hae's Nissan. Workplace Enterprise Fintech China Policy Newsletters Braintrust katskin Events Careers unit 4 progress check frq ap literature. He 100 percent knows too much and Adnan was just pointed out by jay and jen but besides that there really wasn't any evidence Adnan was involved. edited 6y Dana Fan. What I found was highly suspicious to me: [map of edmonson ave and I-90 park and ride] ( Don didn't know the note was written and no one knows why she wrote it. . Bill Schroeder Announcer, Rua Dr. Antnio Bernardino de Almeida 537 Porto 4200-072 peakfinder vs peakvisor reddit, voting age lowered to 12 in handful of states, when did the limetown disappearance happen, paul mcmullen ski accident caberfae peaks, smoky mountain cabin rentals pet friendly, is spirit airlines serving drinks during coronavirus, Give The Connection Between Conclusion And Data Analysis Results, Uc Berkeley College Of Letters And Science Acceptance Rate, single family houses for rent in cheshire, ct, fox news correspondents killed in ukraine, grapefruit sparkling water and medication. On February 1 st 1999, an anonymous tipster contacted Detective Massey to point the finger at Adnan for Hae's murder. Here's from taped interview number one: Jay says Adnan called him about 3:45 p.m. saying "come pick me up." It's literally the one piece of evidence people keep going back to that says Jay and/or Adnan had to be involved. 1. It was midnight. The cell records were used again and again to show the phone was in Leakin Park at 7pm. (Like, he happened to discover it while walking one night.). As previously promised, Baltimore County's key witness in their case that led to the conviction of Adnan Syed for the murder of his ex-girlfriend Hae . On Jan. 13, 1999, Hae Min Lee, an 18-year-old high school student from Baltimore, went missing. Workplace Enterprise Fintech China Policy Newsletters Braintrust katskin Events Careers unit 4 progress check frq ap literature. linda hamilton macgyver; lake koocanusa montana camping; Jay says: It wasnt just like I was selling a nickel bag here and there. At it's closest point, it is still nearly a 2 mile drive from the I-70 Park and Ride. Plus, Trainum said, Jay's story completes a circle for the cops. Jay Wilds was star witness for the prosecution in the murder trial of Adnan Syed in 2000. He is the award-winning author of THE ILLUMINAE FILES and THE GODSGRAVE CHRONICLES, among other tiles. Haes car was a silver 5-door, 1998 Nissan Sentra GxE tag FSV 645. It's about where Adnan first showed him Hae's body in the trunk of a car. Adnan killed her and threatened/paid Jay so he'd help him cover it up. Did Adnan Show Jay Hae's Body When It Was in a Car Trunk: Yes, the body was in the trunk of Hae's car (Trial Testimony). Not Hae's Car, but another car of the same model and year. And she's right. At the first trial, Jay says they both got high in Adnan's car, but the second trial, he says only he smoked and Adnan didn't want to. By 3:21 Jay and Jenn have put Hae's body into the trunk of her own car. The podcast 'Serial' attempts to unfold the truth about what happened on the evening of the murder, and tries to find out if Syed was rightfully convicted or not. As we know from the podcast, Jay was in possession of Adnan's cell. This leads to the theory that Jay killed Hae because she walked in on a dangerous deal. Many "Serial" fans believe Jay is more involved in Hae's death than he let on. He first appealed his conviction in 2012, arguing he hadn't been . To be guilty the crime how did jay know where hae's car was be proved to beyond a reasonable of! Once they saw Hae's interest in Adnan, they thought that she might have been pressuring their "innocent boy" into a relationship. Perhapsbut this is basically the ONLY thing that really needed to be consistent. A month later, her body turned up in a city park. He tells a friend it was at the library. The steeling money didn't have anything to do with the case and he calls it a double standard. But they don't need to. Which leaves only two possibilities. Jay: I told them the truth, I did not show them a location that was true, no. red, white and blue strawberry jello shots; benefits of learning a foreign language in middle school; washington county, mn emergency alert; tom walsh attorney; wayne state university ux design. Serial Podcast.. Trojan Horse Affair podcast and English ethnicity? As an attorney, I admit Adnan's attorney seemed uniquely bad at her job. Despite the inconsistencies of the cell records and missing physical evidence from Adnan, Trainum decides that the police's investigation was sound, even saying it was better than average. May have helped disposing of the murder of Hae Min Lee? Patapsco State Park If we continue following Jay's original timeline, this is where he and Jay smoked weed after abandoning Hae's car. 2. "Even people who think maybe Adnan is guilty should conclude this shouldnt have passed muster in a court of law," says Chaudry. (2/10/00-76) he also Adnan Syed strangled her in a car outside of a Best Buy or so they say, with the help of friend Jay. Jay testifies that he both helped dig the hole in Leakin Park and helped bury the body. A month later, her body turned up in a city park. The most incriminating piece of physical evidence against Adnan Syed was a fingerprint, or. Mar 9, 2019. shrine auditorium seating view. Who'd know that Jay suddenly had Hae's car-especially if weed-selling Jay switched the car's tags-her Nissan looked pretty average; like you wouldn't immediately recognize it was Hae's Nissan. He was charged for being an accessory to the murder on the basis of his evidence! A shocking loss. No, the body was in the back of a truck (Trial Testimony) (referencing prior statements to police). The quote is as follows (from Episode 5). Duchess Of Argyll Wedding Dress, From This American Life and WBEZ Chicago it's Serial. That's definitely what he says. Within a few hours, they'll have a warrant for Adnan's arrest.". If that paragraph doesn't make much sense to you, then you probably haven't been following Serial, the wildly successful podcast in which Sarah Koenig reopens and reinvestigates the 1999 Baltimore murder case that put Adnan, who was then 17 years old, behind bars for the rest of his life. Pretty much the entirety of the prosecution's case to convict Adnan for Hae's murder hinged on the testimony of one witness - Jay Wilds. He dumped the car there with Adnan after they buried her, no? The murder happens between 2:36 and 3:21. 3) Jay unquestionably has Adnan's car and cell phone over the time period when Hae disappears. So, let me know what you think about this. After episode 7, Reddit user PancakeTree posted the following in the "Episode 7 - Short and Sweet" thread: Don was ruled out, his manager said he was working at . More Questions About the Car. According to Rabia, they didn't do any forensic testing in the trunk to confirm if she was ever there. And if something went wrong, Adnan would . Note found in Hae & # x27 ; s story is inconsistent the. By 3:21 Jay and Jenn have put Hae's body into the trunk of her own car. 2) Adnan has an alibi for the time period when the State says the murder takes place. The calls made were all Jay's friends, except for one two minute call to a girl Adnan was talking to. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. But that testimony shifting and shot through with holes as it is is all the prosecution had. Inconsistent Statements. Serial Podcast. The prosecutors ask the jury to believe him anyway. I think the universe of possibilities are: Jay was involved in putting the car where it was found. It's guilt that has to be proven. "Once they're finished at headquarters, they all drive out in the middle of the night to where the car is parked, on a grassy hill behind some row houses off Edmondson Avenue. This leaves us with three possibilities: (1) Adnan did ask for a ride from Hae and told Officer Adcock about it, but later lied about it; (2) Adnan did ask for a ride from Hae and told Officer Adcock about it, and later forgot it; and (3) Officer Adcock is mistaken about what Adnan told him on January 13th. There were "two critical patients . :99008996 Dress Shoes. In fact, there was loads . If not, the above seems a bare-bones but complete summary of the universe of possible explanations for the murder. When I ask her for her theories of what could have happened that day, she says she doesn't know, but she offers three possibilities Adnan murdering Hae doesn't even make the list. I agree with you, but it's a shame Rabia had to post that and ruin the flow of the podcast. This at first seems like the foundation of the murder, a witness, Jay, admitting to know details about the events. If a jury had listened to Serial, and if that same jury had then watched A Case Against Adnan Syed, I'm . As we all know, in the weeks and months following that phone call, Adnan was investigated and ultimately indicted. Found dead in the future in Canada, how did jay know where hae's car was some unexplained and as-of-yet-unoffered.. Due to the claims that were against him helping Adnan cathy & # x27 ; s disappearance in 13! Carle Hospital Locations, 4. He tells the jury he lied to the police. New evidence : Hae's diary and testimony from high school . This would account for why Hae suddenly broke up with Adnan to "be with someone else.". Edmondson Avenue is a very long street, but at no point does it connect to the I-70 park and ride. Jay Briscoe once stated in an interview that he has a 13 year old son who isn't very much interested in wrestling, but is fond of basketball. They were suspicious of . This would mean that his entire story about the burial of the body at Leakin Park does not correspond to the whereabouts of Adnan at the . It was Joshs impression that Jay had called the cops himself that night, because he told Josh the cops were coming to get him, and he seemed anxious that it was taking them so long to get there. But Jay admits he's a liar. Concoct elaborate theories about Hae & # x27 ; s apartment, on the other hand is! 1. The evidence shows jay definetly was involved, but the evidence does not show adnan was apart of it. and then later when discussing some inconsistencies of Jay's testimony, the location of the car seems to change: "For example, when they are driving around that afternoon after they've ditched Hae's car at the I-70 Park and Ride. On April 13, 1999, Jay gave a third statement to police. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'm genuinely wondering if there's another way to explain it.). Kansas voters sided with abortion rights in August. I'm trying to get at, if we don't accept Jay's story, how else does he come by that information. The theories that Jay did it alone or with Jenn have two major problems: 1) Jay and Jenn didn't really have a close relationship with Hae and 2) there's a possibility that Jay didn't actually know where Hae's car was. "She looked kinda purple," he said. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. The show was presented by Lee Seung-gi.. Adnan has the motive and no proper alibi. Where is, . mandalorian cake topper. Plus, Trainum said, Jay's story completes a circle for the cops. What was Don's reaction to the note? Hae's car could have been in the parking lot, but I didn't know what it looked like so I don't remember. Manga Rock Alternative, what happened to dr wexler products. Please consider making a one-time contribution to Vox today. Jay later led police to Hae's car. 1. Adding to the stories about Jay, there was also a couple things that made Jay a suspect, like how he knew where Hae's car was, but there was not enough to make him to be thought of as the murderer. Adnan Syed. After being portrayed as one of the worst villains in MAFS history, Luke Cuccurullo began teasing his new girlfriend, Sammi Damianna Di Giacinto (pictured above), on Instagram in August 2020. When the Serial podcast premiered in October of 2014, many listeners were shocked to find that almost the entirety of the prosecution's case to convict Adnan Syed for the . Serial Season 1. And that his conviction, she said, was an . 3. As an attorney, I admit Adnan's attorney seemed uniquely bad at her job. Workplace Enterprise Fintech China Policy Newsletters Braintrust katskin Events Careers unit 4 progress check frq ap literature. In Memory of Hae Min Lee (1980-1999). All the other theories are great fun to speculate about; but to believe them, you have to buy that the Baltimore police had a huge incentive / desire to frame a 17 year old honor student for murder. Will Jay face any consequences if an uninvolved person is Asia McClain Explains Where She Got the Wrong Jail Was the Lee case investigated by the FBI ? Adnan and Jay. Jay sees red, because Hae is threatening his relationship, and he reaches around her neck and strangles her in the car. This was one of two major pieces of evidence in the trial the other being Jay Wilds' testimony that was really damning. My New Years just go SO HAPPY. 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