It took a long time for Technicolor to settle on the best process for getting the full spectrum of color in its pictures. It was pointed out to the Motion Picture Research Council and the motion picture industry in a letter dated February 11, 1953. The format fell out of favor soon after the early 60s, primarily due to advancements in film stock and processes from other companies that made VistaVision obsolete. Only a few still exist for archival purposes. Paramount will conduct a series of tests in Drive-lns using the following outlined procedure which we feel will be helpful for Drive-ln presentation. The VistaVision system has a large gain in depth of field if the image height is maintained the same as on standard photography. This was just on regular 35mm, but it gave the studio the idea for what would become Vista Vision. Although we have probably not tested all of the different types, most of these lenses give poor results. In this case fine grain double-frame master color separation prints will be made from both the A and B negative for each reel. The name Super Technirama 70 was used on films where the shooting was done in Technirama and at least some prints were made on 70-mm stock by unsqueezing the image. VistaVision release prints will play in any theater anywhere in the world with an improvement in picture quality. The Wizard of Oz doesnt start in color though. One look at a good seamless screen, as compared to a screen with seams, is all that is necessary to convince anyone that a screen with bad seams should never be used. In smaller theaters, seamless white screens can be used if adequate projection light is available. A loss does occur on the 2.55/1 anamorphic pictures when the aspect ratio is reduced by side cropping, and some loss does occur when pictures made from standard negatives are cropped. Several manufacturers are supplying adapter lenses to be used on old long focal length lenses in place of supplying good new short focal length lenses. But many were left traumatized or sick including the original Tin Man actor Buddy Ebsen, who was poisoned from the silver make-up. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. VistaVision. In shooting VistaVision, the film was run horizontally rather than vertically, and instead of exposing two simultaneous 4-perf frames, the entire eight perforations were used for one image. The VistaVision fanfare, used on most of the films produced in this ratio, was written by film, television, and radio composer and orchestrator Nathan Van Cleave.[1]. Using that larger-area negative really improves the final product. The logistical advantage of using 35mm film, end-to-end, should not be underestimated. However, there were drawbacks: because a smaller portion of the image was being used and magnification was increased, excessive grain and soft images plagued early widescreen presentations. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. slightly less depth of field than vertical pulldown 35mm. With respect to picture size, in the past the most acceptable picture quality has been at a distance from the screen between two and five times screen width. IMAX and VistaVision may not be exactly the same, but it does show that the pursuit for this type of filmmaking did not die with the end of the format. Paramount has four of these cameras which have been used as an expedient in the shooting of WHITE CHRISTMAS, THREE RING CIRCUS, STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND and subsequent pictures until other cameras are available. But then CinemaScope from 20th Century Fox changed the landscape with widescreen imagery to get people into theaters nationwide. All of the scenes in Kansas are shot in sepia. Posted on May 29, 2022 by May 29, 2022 by This was well before the shooting of the first CinemaScope picture, and well before the theaters were equipped with 2/1 expander lenses. Just as VistaVision had a few flagship engagements using 8-perf horizontal contact prints and special horizontal-running projectors, there is a bit of evidence[citation needed] that horizontal prints were envisioned for Technirama as well (probably with 4-track magnetic sound as in CinemaScope), but to what extent this was ever done commercially, if at all, remains unclear. Master the art of visual storytelling with our FREE video series on directing and filmmaking techniques. Collapse. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This is a tremendous advantage. They were exposed through red, green, and blue filters. Yep! Some improvement will be apparent even on the old "postage stamp" screens in theaters where not one cent has been spent to improve the presentation. The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major releases. A two-color process that used subtractive complementary colors onto a single strip of film. The 2008 DVD and Blu-ray Disc release of Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty was shown at an aspect-ratio of 2.55:1 for the first time. The camera numbered VistaVision #1, used on Cecil B. DeMille's The Ten Commandments, films by Alfred Hitchcock, and others, was offered at auction on September 30, 2015, by Profiles in History with an estimated value of US$30,000 to $50,000, with a winning bid of US$65,000. With VistaVision on a screen 50 feet wide, the seating will be acceptable down to 25 feet from the screen and will be very satisfactory at 38 feet from the screen. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. He reflects on what it was like to work with the company on films like Apocalypse Nowand their instrumental aid in the restoration of his film The Cotton Club: So, what is Technicolor? Film studios explored new ways to attract audiences back to the theater by making film a more totalizing experience through new technologies such as wide screen and Technicolor. Theaters that have large seamless screens and good projection equipment will gain full advantage of VistaVision without further change or expenditure. obituary sophia martinez gokey. (Dashed lines, Figure 1.) In operation the projectionist will complete his change-over operation and while he is looking through the port, he will observe the position of the first set of dots. PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE WITH VISTAVISION PICTURE. In addition to the movies not having the distortion of anamorphic, VistaVision provided an option for filmmakers and theaters that wanted a widescreen experience that didnt sacrifice height or width and could be easily presented nationwide. horizontal pulldown, from right to left (viewed from emulsion side). Briefly, the VistaVision process includes new wider angle lenses to give greater scope on the big screens; new cameras through which the 35 mm negative travels horizontally eight sprocket holes per frame (instead of 4) giving a negative image with an area of nearly three times the area of the standard negative image. Well, it takes a bit of explaining, so if you can, please join us as we look into the origins of VistaVision, what it was like, and why it still matters today. RED Monstro sensor is a revamp of the VistaVision sensor. What color stock were films like The Searchers, The Ten Commandments, and To Catch a Thief shot on? He cant stop talking about aspect ratios. VistaVision, of course, had more-or-less fallen on the ash-heap of time when Georgie Lucas resurrected it for the effects shots in Star Wars. If Technicolor was . In the standard release print the circle will still be round, as in Figure 2. Filmmakers did, however, need a special VistaVision camera that could shoot the film horizontally. As a response, Paramount Pictures devised its own system the following month to augment its 3-D process known as Paravision. For more than two decades after this, VistaVision was often used as an originating and intermediate format for shooting special effects since a larger negative area compensates against the increased grain created when shots are optically composited. Read our extensive list of rules for more information on other types of posts like fan-art and self-promotion, or message the moderators if you have any questions. The VistaVision cameras will be used for all future Paramount black and white pictures as well as color pictures. VistaVision could be shown at widescreen aspect ratios between 1.66 and 2.00:1. So I know they stopped using 3 strip Technicolor around 1955. In comparison to CinemaScopes anamorphic lenses, VistaVision was a flat widescreen process, which meant filmmakers and theaters did not need special VistaVision lenses to shoot or present Vista Vision movies. With respect to camera lenses, Paramount has found that standard motion picture lenses of 75 mm and up have adequate field coverage for use on the double-frame camera. This is the same light level that has been in use at Paramount studio for nearly a year. This is the most important and distinctive feature of VistaVision. Basically they developed a camera that exposed an eight sprocket image in 1.66 by exposing the film horizontally. Strategic Air Command over Vertigo for VistaVision Joy! IMAX also emphasizes height over width (just like VistaVision). Much of VistaVision's image quality must be credited to the Technicolor imbibition (dye transfer) printing process. 4K UHD Blu-ray review of Cecil B. The technique of picture shooting with the VistaVision camera is the same as with any standard camera. For a picture projected in the aspect ratio of 2/1, it should be just possible to see the bottom dot at the top of the screen. Technirama is a screen process that has been used by some film production houses as an alternative to CinemaScope. There is plenty we can talk about when it comes to the VistaVision aspect ratio, so lets first start with a definition and information about its characteristics. The Technirama process used a film frame area twice as large as CinemaScope. Heres director Francis Ford Coppola talking about his perspective on Technicolor. The reduction ratio is 1.63/1. Paramount earnestly urges that every exhibitor who has not already done so install the largest feasible seamless screen both as to height and width. This is the answer to front seating. If youre still wondering about how Technicolor used the dye-transfer process to color its films, check out this next video: Although the dye-transfer process was incredible for its time, it proved to be a logistical nightmare. This includes lenses down to 24 mm, which will give a photographic angle of coverage slightly above 75 degrees. Technicolor IB prints were created, but this was from separation masters derived from the original single-strip VistaVision negative. They are the cylindrical lens type, such as used by CinemaScope, the reflector lens type, as manufactured by the Old Delft Company in Holland, and the prismatic type, which is now being manufactured by the Tushinsky Brothers, and others. In any case, the point about the film benefitting from being in "Technicolor" rather than "Warnercolor" is a valid one, but it was shot on a single strip negative, not 3-strip like the classic Technicolor process . It plays best in ratios close to 1.85/1. Paramount suggests PERSPECT-A STEREOPHONIC SOUND for the very large theaters and for use by exhibitors who feel that they should have a stereophonic or directional effect. Such a screen gives an inferior picture at the center of seating and seldom improves the side seats. In the squeezed print it will be oval as shown in Figure 3. As finer-grained film stocks appeared on the market, VistaVision became obsolete. Its easy to forget just how different the filmmaking process was then compared to now. It projects in the ratio of 2.66/1. If anything, it increased that pursuit, as can also be seen in how the cameras were used for high quality VFX work. As explained later in this booklet, the picture can play in any aspect ratio from 1.33/1 through 1.66/1, 1.85/1 up to 2/1. The motor drive and many features of these cameras have been modernized so as to gain good registration and film movement. So how can you break put from the pack and get your idea onto the small screen? Still confused? Its easy to forget just how difficult the process of coloring films was. The frame height on the print is not enough to allow projection of a ratio narrower than 1.66:1 without cropping the sides of the picture. Higher resolution, widescreen variant of the 35 mm motion picture film format which was created by engineers at Paramount Pictures in 1954. IMAX. An effort is being made to relieve the present critical shortage by working out modifications for the standard NC and BNC cameras so as to have double-frame film movements. Nope, they gave up. In the CinemaScope system the camera lens picks up a scene that is 2.66 times as wide as it is high. The area of negative film exposure is shown in Figure 1. If people are seated closer, they see film grain and the picture is fuzzy and tiring to the eyes. It was Paramount's decision then, as it is today, that the 2.66/1 aspect ratio is too wide for its height. So I know they stopped using 3 strip Technicolor around 1955. There is a tendency on the part of theater men to select a metallized screen that has a uniform distribution across the house. When the images are squeezed they are made to appear thin and tall. The finders on the VistaVision cameras carry a hairline framing marking in the aspect ratio of 1.66/1. We are advised that the cost of this equipment will be approximately $800 and the installation cost should be under $500. Lets check out a great video that shows us how Technicolor was founded and how it was used by filmmakers: Now that weve refreshed our memory with a look at some Technicolor examples, lets just jump into a Technicolor definition. In framing for a 1.33/1 picture, the projectionist will frame just above the top frame line in keeping with past practice. The Dark Knight (2008) specifically used a VistaVision shot during the truck-flipping sequence. DRIVE-IN PRESENTATION OF VISTAVISION FILMS. But then CinemaScope from 20th Century Fox changed the landscape with widescreen imagery to get people into theaters nationwide. In very wide theaters and very large theaters, the addition of auditorium speakers at D and E may improve the sound effectiveness. Technicolor, Hollywood (CA), USA (color) Film Length : Negative Format : 35 mm (horizontal) (Eastman 25T 5248) Cinematographic Process : Digital Intermediate (4K) (2020 remaster) VistaVision Printed Film Format . Seems that other VistaVision films can still be seen in selected special cinemas in the USA. Further, Paramount does not contemplate releasing any prints having the Fox-Eastman narrow sprocket holes. On the basis of the same old picture quality, if the screen width were increased to 50 feet, the most acceptable picture quality would be between 100 and 250 feet from the screen. The screen should be seamless and not just called seamless. A group of young filmmakers wanted to use the format to film visual effects shots in their upcoming science-fantasy movie. The first Technicolor film shot entirely in Technicolors three color process was Becky Sharp in 1935. In the CinemaScope process the sides of the picture are cropped down (to make room for the magnetic stereophonic sound tracks) so that the final aspect ratio of the picture when projected is in the ratio of 2.55/1. Every theater should install the largest possible screen, both in respect to height and width. Paramount does not contemplate the release of any pictures with either a separate or four-track magnetic film. However, by the late 1950s with the introduction of finer-grained color stocks and the disadvantage of shooting twice as much negative stock, VistaVision became obsolete. [citation needed]. How CGI Works in Movies and Animation, What is a Tracking Shot? High quality Leica type lenses are used for all of the shorter focal lengths. It may be a relic of a bygone era, but like CinemaScope, its influence can still be felt today. The sound control units have an automatic return to monaural sound in case of trouble. The color was enhanced through the use of a special development process that was used to good effect in films such as The Vikings (1958) and The Music Man (1962). Walt Disney Productions used the process twice for full-length animated features: Sleeping Beauty (1959), and The Black Cauldron (1985). Numerous reports say that throughout filming, the sound stage was hotter than 100F. What is VistaVision? The projectionist racked their framing so that the staff touched the top of the screen (at the appropriate ratio) and the framing was set for the rest of the reel. This is the same light level that has been in use at Paramount studio for nearly a year. However, VistaVision's high resolution made it attractive for some special effects work within some later feature films. The VistaVision negative is large, thus the loss does not occur with VistaVision. It was also one of the few VistaVision films that had 8-perforation prints made for special engagements that could present the movies in their original format (horizontal VistaVision prints vs regular vertical 35mm). The sound for all release prints will be made from the same type of sound negative, and as indicated above all release prints can play on any standard optical sound head in any theater in the world. The light level used on interior sets is between 350 and 600 foot-candles, with most shots running between 400 and 500 foot-candles. In order to satisfy all theaters with all screen sizes, VistaVision films were shot in such a way that they could be shown in one of three recommended aspect ratios: 1.66:1, 1.85:1 and 2.00:1.[2]. Most of the dye-transfer plants throughout the world have been shut down. As a further recommendation in this regard, it is our belief that in the very large theaters they should install screens capable of accepting the aspect ratio of 1.85/1, unless the sight line for seats at the back of the main floor is limited by a low hanging balcony. White Christmas, Strategic Air Command, To Catch a Thief, Richard III, and The Battle of the River Plate had very limited (two or three) prints struck in the 8-perf VistaVision format in which they were shot. Before the 1950s, nearly every single movie was in the same 4:3 aspect ratio. Its no secret that Walt Disney put his career on the line with his remake of the famed Brothers Grimm fairytale. Yes, and VistaVision cameras are sometimes still used even today for special effects. [2] This format is identical to the 135 film format used by 35mm still cameras. Please do not be misled by the word "seamless". De Mille's 'The Ten Commandments' (1956). Tips and Techniques Explained, Green Screen Lighting: How to Ensure Your Backgrounds Pop, What is a Damsel in Distress Definition and Examples in Film, What is a Haiku Definition, Examples and Structure Explained. There is a great deal of confusion between aspect ratios, and squeezed and/or expansion ratios. It was also the first full-length cel-animated film and first animated feature in the English language. An additive prism beam-splitter was used to expose one red and one green filtered image onto a single strip of film. For these reasons, and its cost, it has not gained general acceptance. Cameras used 35-mm film running horizontally with an 8-perforation frame, double the normal size, exactly the same as VistaVision. Alfred Hitchcock used VistaVision for many of his films in the 1950s. One reason for this is that the company was using a two color system in their cameras which only produced one strip of negatives. Similar in shape to an F, the cue mark contained staffs that directed the projectionist to the top of the frame for the three recommended aspect ratios. Five months later, in February 1953, Twentieth Century Fox announced that they would soon be introducing a simpler version of Cinerama using anamorphic lenses instead of multiple film strips; a widescreen process that soon became known to the public as CinemaScope. After the best screen size has been established proper focal length high quality standard lenses should be obtained so as to gain the correct width of picture on the screen. As an example, if a theater is 100 feet deep, the best viewing will be on a screen 38 feet wide. All re-recording will be to a single-sound-track magnetic master which will have been re-recorded (dubbed) with monaural monitoring. At the time, this was viewed as a quantum leap forward for cinema. However, VistaVision caught a true second wind during the New Hollywood era of the 1970s. Side seating is also improved by the better definition and relative freedom from film grain which is accomplished by the VistaVision process. Its entirely mobile, operable, and easy to use meanwhile the blimp required an insane amount of knowledge and technical skill to operate. All release prints will have a single photographic sound track that will play on every standard sound reproducer the world over. Paramount had actually released their first widescreen movie by cropping the Western film Shane (1953) from its 1.37:1 Academy Ratio to 1.66:1. In this case the picture composition will not be as good as the picture composition from a VistaVision standard print which has been "cropped" from top to bottom. In balancing the overall system to this new level of quality we are making several changes. In introducing VistaVision, Paramount has introduced the technique of optical reduction from a large negative image to the standard release print image. 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