nuzzle Pwesident of hwis fwan cwub? So listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today. Alright.Who touched my gun! Red! The Pyro continues to walk away into the sunset, whistling to Do You Believe In Magic? Yeah, it is! [This Script Comes in Two Forms] [Original Monologue] - My name is Yoshikage Kira. Steam Community :: Guide :: Copypasta Scripts of All "Meet the __" Videos. ", [Signs illuminate on a large security panel: "Intruder Alert', 'RED Spy' and 'In Base'; pull out to reveal the BLU Soldier watching the board], [Intruder Alert begins to play. ["Meet the Pyro*" text appears, then is burned away to reveal the feet of the Pyro,* Fire Axe in hand, walking over a pair of glasses towards the camera and knocking a few empty bullet cartridges aside. Stand back son. This inspired a series of posts on the official blog, and Valve awarded themselves a "Corporate Achievement" called "Welcome to the Internets", with the description "Fail to understand what Private means on YouTube". ], Scout: "How do I get this f***ing thing off?! Thwe WED Spy wetrieves one of ~OwO~ thwem and ~OwO~ smwiles nuzzle wistfully], Spy: "Ahh puts away meat scepter ma pwetite chwou-fleur. The camera switches to the Soldier, Shotgun in hand, with a confused Heavy and a panicked Scout], Soldier: "What? Privacy Policy. It was obvious!" Camera cuts to the dashboard, where a bobblehead of the former Civilian sits. ", [The Scout attempts to manipuwate the knife wike the Spy, onwy to cut himsewf on the fingew and dwop it], Spy: "If you managed to kiww them, I assuwe you, they wewe not wike me." and a knife. ~OwO~ He swides an Swapper across thwe fwoor, dwisarming and dwestroying nuzzle thwe nuzzle Swentry Gwun immediately], [the BWU Engineer thwows nuzzle hwis Wrench dwown ~OwO~ and fwantically weaches fwor hwis Pwistol, only to hwave nuzzle thwe Spy shwoot hwim ~OwO~ nuzzle in ~OwO~ thwe hwead with thwe ~OwO~ Wevolver. Right behind you. "He's the RED Spy! ", [The Scout wingews behind, his expwession sinistew. In reality, Pyro traps the BLU Medic in a shed by barring the door with their axe. ], Spy: "And worst of all, he could be any one of us", [Fade to the RED Spy fighting a BLU Medic, armed with a Bonesaw], [The Spy breaks the Medic's arm, disarming him. The Pyro's flame thrower appears in their hands as an unusually-shaped brass instrument*, spraying a rainbow-colored mist over ground, causing colorful flowers to spring from the lawn in front of them. The BLU Spy looks frantic], Spy: "He could be in this very room! The camewa switches to the Sowdiew, Shotgun in hand, with a confused Heavy and a panicked Scout], Sowdiew: "What? You've seen what he's done to ouw cowweagues! A RED Spy is in the base! ], [The Engineer is sitting in front of a blue truck, strumming his guitar. Thwen we stwill hwave a pwoblem. ", [The Soldier and Heavy examine the photographs. ", [The other three BLUs shake their heads and shrug], [He deposits the Sniper's body on the desk, revealing a bloody Knife in his back], [The Scout approaches and removes the knife], Scout: "Oooh, big problem. The Pyro laughs. No offense. Gentwemen. Fight sounds are heard throughout the scene. The Scout looks around the room, to make sure no one is watching. [The Soldier pumps his Shotgun, discarding the spent shell.] ], [Fade to the scattewed photos of the Scout's mothew. The Spy's folder, seen at 1:13 and the title card, is labeled "Top Secret: Scout's Mom". Oh, wait that's blood. [The Soldier pumps his Shotgun, discarding the spent shell.] He could be you! Deep research into Finance | Stocks | Markets. Intruder Alert! ", [BLU Heavy comes around the corner, Sasha in hand, charging towards the Scout and Soldier], [Heavy shoulder-barges the door, destroying it. Yes, I wrote a funny paragraph that turned into copypasta, which happened to bring a laugh or a smile to a few people. Gimme that! He slides an Sapper across the floor, disarming and destroying the Sentry Gun immediately], [The BLU Engineer throws his Wrench down and frantically reaches for his Pistol, only to have the Spy shoot him in the head with the Revolver. ", [Scout takes the butterfly knife out of Sniper's back, spinning it around before cutting his finger and dropping the knife. Watch, he'll turn red any second now. Multiple images of the RED Spy and BLU Scout's mother being intimate fly out of the folder and onto the desk. 50 min ago ], Spy: "You've seen what he's done to our colleagues! The PiMP Weekly Wrap - #11 - Guild Wars 2, Monster Hunter 4, Tomb Raider & More! ", [Camewa zooms in to weveaw the BWU Spy, with the BWU Snipew's cowpse ovew one shouwdew], [Cut back to the Spy, cawwying the dead Snipew towawds the desk], Spy: "Teww me did anyone happen to kiww a WED Spy on the way hewe? The Spy raises his knife, ready to backstab, but the Sniper hears him and defends himself with his rifle. Close-up on the Spy's face as he disguises as the Medic, sans spectacles], [The Spy kills the Medic with a well-placed chop to the throat, knocking off his spectacles, which he catches and wears, completing his disguise], [Cut back to BLU Intel Room. Hey, it's still here! He could even be-", [The Spy is cut off as his head explodes violently. Dreams of Cruelty begins playing.] Indeed, and now he's here to f**k us! Oh, wait that's blood. The camera switches to the Soldier, Shotgun in hand, with a confused Heavy and a panicked Scout], Soldier: "What? "He's the RED Spy! ", [The Spy reveals a folder and slaps it down on the table, revealing several compromising photographs of the RED Spy and the Scout's mother], Scout: [stammers out of shock and disbelief], Spy: "Indeed, and now he's here to f**k us! ], Spy: "Ywou've sween what hwe's dwone to our cwolleagues! A RED Spy is in the base!" [Signs illuminate on a large security panel: "Intruder Alert', 'RED Spy' and 'In Base'; pull out to reveal the BLU Soldier watching the board] Soldier: "A RED Spy is in the base! The BLU cherubs salute and celebrate the Pyro, and a BLU cherub Demoman waves at the camera from close up. The Alarm-O-Tron 5000 board has the word "Defenestrated" as one of the panels. It is only visible to you. I've killed plenty of Spies; they're dime-a-dozen back-stabbing scumbags - like you! Hut, Hut, Hut, Hut, Hut, Hut! ], [Fade to ~OwO~ thwe scwattered ~OwO~ phwotos nuzzle of thwe Scwout's mwother. The legend of the button. ], [It is revealed that all of the BLU Team are being burned and killed. ", Soldier: "We need to protect the briefcase! We then get a better look at the town, which in reality, is a BLU team base. No? The Soldier reaches from off-screen and pulls a Shotgun off a rack of weapons. He was the RED Spy! As he approaches, he flickers and melts, revealing himself to be the RED Spy], Soldier: "Big problem all right, who's ready to go find this Spy? My favorite part in meet the medic is when scout says "S". ", [Team Fowtwess 2 ending fwouwish music pways, with the stabbing of the Sowdiew and Heavy punctuating the beat of the tune. The Alarm-O-Tron 5000 board lists the RED Spy twice. The sounds of the Soldier and Heavy being murdered can be heard during this. Watch, he'll turn red any second now Any second now See? ], [Cut back to the three BLU's in the intel room. It originally read "Lost Memory". ], [French music plays as we zoom out on a pile of the images seen earlier. I just found out my 75 year old grandfather watches hentai. Subscribe to The FinanceTLDR Newsletter with. ", [The camera pans down to the deceased BLU Sniper before fading into this Snipers fight with the RED Spy. Oh, wait that's blood. It was obvious! The video was officially released the day after on May 18, 2009.[1]. The Administrator: "Intruder Alert! ", [Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays, with the stabbing of the Soldier and Heavy punctuating the beat of the tune. So wisten up boy, ow pownogwaphy stawwing youw mothew wiww be the second wowst thing that happens to you today. ", [He nuzzle dweposits thwe Snwiper's bwody ~OwO~ on nuzzle thwe dwesk, wevealing a ~OwO~ bwoody nuzzle Knwife in hwis bwack], [The ~OwO~ nuzzle Scwout approaches and nuzzle wemoves thwe knwife], Scout: "Owooh, bwig pwoblem. My daughter (only 3 years old!) Snipin's a good job, mate! ", [Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays, with the stabbing of the Soldier and Heavy punctuating the beat of the tune. The robbers went in and held their guns up, telling everyone to put their hands in the air. The WED Spy cweeps up on him and steps on a cweaking fwoowboawd, awewting the Snipew, who engages the Spy with the Kukwi. The camera switches to the Soldier, Shotgun in hand, with a confused Heavy and a panicked Scout], Soldier: "What? ", [Flashback to nuzzle thwe BWU Snwiper, ~OwO~ nwow alive and snwiping ~OwO~ fwom a dwusty attic. Stand back son. Oh! ", [Spy spins the knife much better than Scout, fancily closing it and handing it to Scout, who takes his cut out of his mouth. A WED Spy is nuzzle in thwe bwase! This is my story dont copy paste plz, [Shot opens on ringing alarm bell; sirens and klaxons play in the background], The Administrator: "Intruder Alert! The answer, use a gun, and if that don't work Use more gun. Meet the Pyro transcript [ "Meet the Pyro *" text appears, then is burned away to reveal the feet of the Pyro,* Fire Axe in hand, walking over a pair of glasses towards the camera and knocking a few empty bullet cartridges aside. So listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today. Indeed, and now he's here to f**k us! Ahem. may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Meet the spy script [Shot opens on ringing alarm bell; sirens and klaxons play in the background] The Administrator: "Intruder Alert! ", [The other three BLUs shake their heads and shrug], [He deposits the Sniper's body on the desk, revealing a bloody Knife in his back], [The Scout approaches and removes the knife], Scout: "Oooh, big problem. A struggle ensues, and the Sniper is ultimately backstabbed], Spy: "And worst of all, he could be any one of us", [Fade to the RED Spy fighting a BLU Medic, armed with a Bonesaw], [The Spy breaks the Medic's arm, disarming him. Oh, wait that's blood. Every week, Fort Jackson in South Carolina graduates approximately 1,000 soldiers from their 10-week basic training course, and every year about 175 of these soldiers stay at the base over the holidays We move under cover, And we move as one This transcript is for Meet the Spy Rent Script - Broadway musical [All stage directions (sides) are from . A BLU Engineer shuts a door before a BLU Scout can join him inside. Oh! ], [The Engineer falls through a door, dead, and the RED Spy shoots something off camera. The BLU Spy leans over the dead Sniper, gesturing frantically. He approaches the Soldier and Heavy, retrieving the knife he pocketed earlier, and flicking it open easily], Soldier: "All right, who's ready to go find this Spy? A WED Spy is in the base! -'cause at the end of the day, long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead. ", [Camera pans to reveal the BLU Scout trying to open the code-locked 'Briefcase Room' door], [The Soldier pushes the Scout aside and begins to 'decode' the combination], Soldier: "All right, all right, I got it. This transcript is for Meet the Spy. ", Scout: "Whwat're you? Spy walks over to the windows next to the desk. Yeah, it is! The Spy kicks him into a wall, where Sniper grabs his Kukri, attempting to attack the Spy. No offense. A RED Spy is in the base!? Copypasta Scripts of All "Meet the __" Videos, Copy and paste your choice of scripts, featuring the "Meet the Team" videos by Valve, [The Scout watches various BLU team members stationed around the center point: an Engineer industriously making defensive preparations, a smoking Spy, and a Soldier juggling rockets.]. ", [The other three BLUs shake their heads and shrug], [He deposits the Sniper's body on the desk, revealing a bloody Knife in his back accompanied with a sound cue and varied reactions], [The Scout approaches and removes the knife], Scout: "Oooh, big problem. Copyright 2023 TwitchQuotes. The BLU Engineer and the BLU Medic had used their left hand to hold the. ], [Cut to a small room. The RED Heavy is seen almost completely in silhouette.] And nothing nothing wike the man woose inside this buiwding. Cut to behind the closed door as the dead Engineer crashes through the door and the Spy steps over him and fires at a target off-screen], [Cut back to the BLU Intelligence Room. ", [As the Scout approaches, he flickers and melts, revealing himself to be the RED Spy], [Team Fortress 2 ending flourish music plays, with the stabbing of the Soldier and Heavy punctuating the beat of the tune. Ow. "He's the WED Spy! ", [Camera pans to behind Heavy. Like you! ", [The othew thwee BWUs shake theiw heads and shwug], [He deposits the Snipew's body on the desk, weveawing a bwoody Knife in his back], [The Scout appwoaches and wemoves the knife], Scout: "Oooh, big pwobwem. ", [A BLU Heavy runs towards them and the door from behind. Gimme that! President of his fan club? Watch, he'll turn red any second now", [The Soldier and Heavy approach the dead Spy, with The Soldier prodding the Spy's foot with his Shotgun], Soldier: "Any second now See? Sniper: [Glances away from his scope briefly to address the viewer] "I think his mate saw me." [A bullet ricochets off the ledge under the Sniper.] 48 min ago It's known to be originated on 4chan, an image-based bulletin board. | 2.23 KB, C | The title card displays "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" on the bottom right corner, a recurring joke throughout the "Meet the Team" videos. [ Cut to a small room. Yo, a lil' help here!? Which in reality, is labeled `` Top Secret: Scout 's Mom '' nwow and! 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